Established in 1976, Harmony House is Missouri’s oldest and largest domestic violence shelter and has served over 17,000 survivors of domestic violence since first opening its doors. Our mission is to provide shelter, advocacy and education to survivors of domestic violence while promoting the principle that all individuals have the right to a life free of abuse. Harmony House provides emergency shelter; food, clothing and basic hygiene items; adult and children’s case management; court advocacy; childcare; life skills classes; transportation assistance, an outreach program and a crisis hotline answered 24/7.
Prior to initiating the iCare campaign in Springfield, Missouri we were:
Prior to initiating the iCare campaign in Springfield, Missouri we were:
- Heavily grant-reliant
- Had a $1 million dollar budget and only raised $198,000 through donations or fundraising events
- We had 5…count them…5 regular volunteers
- Operated out of a 100 year-old facility that was too small and was becoming dilapidated
- Had no operating reserve
- Domestic Violence was not talked about in the community
- Harmony House was not a “top of mind” non-profit in our community
2017 was the third year for iCare™ and Harmony House is an entirely different organization today:
- At any given time we have 125+ active volunteers.
- In 2017, we raised $711,000 through private donations and fundraising – 54% of our operating budget.
- In 2017, we completed a $6.1 million dollar capital campaign and are in a new building.
- We are reaching 10,000+ individuals annually through iCare™ (not including media reach)
- The community is engaged with Harmony House and our mission to end Domestic Violence.
- Harmony House IS a “top of mind” non-profit in our community.